Northern New Jersey Eye Institute on ZocDoc

Dry eye is a common problem that many people suffer from. It occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears to keep themselves comfortable and healthy.
At NNJEI, one of the most frequently asked questions we get is “Why can’t I see clearly, and what can I do about it?” Poor vision can be the result of any number of causes, but oftentimes it’s a result of the eye’s inability to process light properly. To be able to see clearly, light must first...
When most people think about bodily health, they tend to think about things like their cholesterol or their overall level of physical fitness. And at the other end of the spectrum are the eyes. Ironically, the eyes are one of the most frequently used and overworked organs in the human body, but...
Thanks in part to the rise of new grocery store chains like Whole Foods, and grassroots movements that emphasize the consumption of local, non-additive foods, the US population has become more sophisticated in the food choices. It’s become easier for consumers to make smarter purchase decisions...
Contrary to what many people believe, there is no scientific evidence that links prolonged usage of computer screens to long-term vision problems. It can, however, cause symptoms such as eyestrain and/or blurred vision, referred to as Computer Vision Syndrome.
It should come as no surprise that many people with poor eyesight do not want to wear eyeglasses, they opt to wear contact lenses instead. Contact lenses are usually designed to improve vision (most commonly by...
If your vision is impaired, how do you know if you should set up an appointment with an NJ LASIK surgeon?
LASIK surgery is a procedure that corrects the focus of the eye, therefore resulting in better vision. The surgery only takes 10-15 minutes, but the path to recovery takes much longer. Here are some tips to help you recover from your NJ LASIK surgery:
...We all wish to have 20/20 vision, but genetics or lifestyle changes cause blurry vision over the years. Contact lenses became popular because some people found eyeglasses inconvenient. However, cleaning and removing them every night becomes a hassle. If you want reduced...
Successful LASIK surgeries allow patients to see clearly without the use of glasses or contact lenses. Designed to correct refractive errors and refocusing the power of the eyes, LASIK is a non-invasive procedure to correct errors such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Here are three steps...
LASIK is a refractive surgery to correct eye problems such as myopia, hyeropia and astigmatism. The end results of the procedure are a marked improvement in vision and the reduction or complete elimination of the need to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses. But as is the case...
Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, simply known as LASIK, is a type of surgery that helps people achieve near-perfect vision and eliminate the use of eyeglasses or contact lenses. The procedure is safe and is performed in numerous New Jersey LASIK clinics. However, we...
Laser eye surgery continues to be one of the best solutions for vision correction on the market. And as the economy continues its steady recovery, more and more people are considering investing in this life-changing procedure. If you are one of these people, we have identified...
Cataracts are diagnosed after a routine eye checkup with an ophthalmologist. During a cataract surgery, an intraocular lens (IOL) is used as an implant to replace the natural lens and restore the eye's focusing power. When colors start to appear "faded," then it's recommended to make an...
Eyeglasses and contact lenses are designed for everyday use, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t become a nuisance. Luckily, technology has paved the way for an advanced procedure call LASIK that successfully treats the eyes and eliminate the need for contact lenses and...
While blurry vision can be corrected through the use of eyeglasses or contact lenses, a more advanced approach that can solve the root of the problem, is a procedure called LASIK. LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, which is a type of refractive surgery...
Essentially, once the proper vision correction surgery is performed, a person with an eye...
Cataract formation doesn't cause any noticeable pain in the eye, but, over time, vision is affected and a patient may experience blurry vision and/or cloudy spots in front of the eye. In some cases, the eye also becomes very sensitive to glare. Cataracts are usually attributed to aging because...
Cataracts occur when the clear lens behind the iris becomes cloudy or blurry which often distorts vision and is usually associated with people over 60. In severe cases, vision can be impaired to the point where it affects the daily activities. Unfortunately, cataracts cannot be corrected by...
Are you interested in improving your vision through LASIK? This brief overview discusses the basics...
LASIK stands for laser-assisted situ keratomileusis, which is a type of surgery done performed by...
With LASIK eye surgery becoming more and more popular; here is some useful primer information on the procedure, the costs, and the factors you should consider to help decide if this type of eye surgery is right for you.
LASIK eye surgery is primarily for people who are tired of wearing...
The doctors and staff of Northern New Jersey Eye Institute report another successful year with the charity program ~ Mission Cataract USA. Drs. Crane, Spier, Gunzburg and Gonzalez performed 29 cataract procedures during the months of May and June 2010.
Mission Cataract USA is...
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