Northern New Jersey Eye Institute on ZocDoc

Cataract formation doesn't cause any noticeable pain in the eye, but, over time, vision is affected and a patient may experience blurry vision and/or cloudy spots in front of the eye. In some cases, the eye also becomes very sensitive to glare. Cataracts are usually attributed to aging because they usually occur in people over 55 years of age. Regardless of age, we recommend that If you are experiencing one or more cataract symptoms, it's best to seek the help of a NJ Cataract Surgery clinic. Below are two brief descriptions of the cataract treatments available:
The physician usually makes use of eye drops to numb the eyes during the procedure and one of the main benefits is that patients also don't need to wear eye patches after the cataract surgery.
This involves replacing the crystalline lens that has been clouded over by the cataract. The patient can be put under local anesthesia and can remain awake throughout the entire half-hour process. Recovery period takes 2-3 weeks, and there isn’t need for any stitches. IOL surgery should only be performed by highly experienced eye surgeons to ensure safe operations and quick recoveries. In NJ, cataract surgery institutes often offer free consultations to determine the procedure that is best suited for the patient’s eye condition.
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