Northern New Jersey Eye Institute on ZocDoc

Video Transcription:
Hi! I’m Dr. Crane and I’m glad you’re taking the time to learn more about your vision. This video is intended to provide information to help you better understand how your eyes work and how they change over time. It should also give you a better appreciation for some of the options that are currently available to help you see more clearly again. Now let’s hear what America’s favorite TV mom has to say about her own experience with cataract surgery.
Hi! I’m Florence Henderson. When I recently needed cataract surgery , I chose Crystalens and I can’t tell you how thrilled I am with the results. When something works for me like Crystalens has, I like to share my experience. That’s why I encourage you to watch this short video from Baushanlon and then talk to your doctor whether you are a candidate for Crystalens too.
Having Cataracts is like having a cloudy film between you and the world. Your vision is blurred, colors can look faded and yellow, you may even experience glare and sensitivity to light especially at night. Unfortunately, Cataracts are a normal part of aging, in fact many of us will experience the effects of Cataracts by the age of 65. When your younger, your eye's natural lens flexes and arches with ease. This process is called accommodation, and it allows you to see clearly across your eyes natural range of distances. For example, when you look from an object in a distance to one that is right in front of you, your muscles contract and your natural lens become more rounded. As you age, your lens become stiff and hardened so it can no longer accommodate these changes. Without the youthful flexibility, the lens can’t focus properly making it difficult to see clearly at all distances and all lighting conditions. Some people experience the early effects of Cataracts such as stiffening of the lens by their mid 40’s, before they notice effects of the clouding of the lens. But, no matter what age you are, Cataracts is not something you have to live with. Cataract surgery is not only safe and effective, it’s one of the most common surgeries in the United States. Over 3 million procedures are performed every year. During Cataract surgery, the cloudy natural lens is removed and replace with an artificial one, called an Intraocular Lens or IOL. The surgery itself can typically take as little as 15 to 20 minutes, and is usually performed on an outpatient basis so you can recover in the comfort of your own home. Once you decide to have surgery, you and your doctor will choose which type of lens you should receive, because all Intraocular lenses don’t work the same way. Two of the replacement lens options are monofocal IOL’s and Crystalens accommodating IOL’s. A standard monofocal IOL is designed to provide distance vision, but since this kind of lens doesn't flex or move with the eye, you’ll probably still need glasses to correct your near and intermediate vision, even if you didn't need them before surgery. You can also choose the Crystalens Accomodating IOL, Crystalens is a real advancement in Cataract surgery. What makes Crystalens unique is that, it’s designed to give you a more natural range of vision. Crystalens is designed to work like a healthy natural lens, flexing with your muscles to provide a continuous range of vision. So, you can see your phone, street signs and even the GPS in your car. In fact many Crsytalens patients hardly, if ever, need glasses after surgery. After surgery, you should follow your doctor’s instructions and avoid any unnecessary strain. Most patients probably won’t need to wear an eye patch or any other bandage. It won’t be long before you can return to normal activities. Many patients are able to resume driving and return to work within just 2 or 3 days. To learn more about Crystalens, talk to your doctor. Together, you can decide if Crystalens s right for you.
I've been confidently implanting this lens for many years now. And my Crystalens patients are some of the happiest persons in my practice. Everyone at the Northern New Jersey Eye Institute is dedicated to helping you achieve your best possible visual outcome, and we’re pleased to be able to offer our patients this exciting technology. Should you require further information to help you better understand the options available, please feel free to ask me or any of our wonderful staff. Thank You!
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