Northern New Jersey Eye Institute on ZocDoc

Video Transcription:
Hi! I’m Florence Henderson. More than 20 million Americans over age 40 are believed to be living with cataract. By the time of 65, a large percentage of us will develop cataract. I had a cataract recently, I couldn’t see street signs and my vision at night was not very good at all. As you know I’m very active and I work and travel often so I put things off. But, when the blurry vision was making me uncomfortable and I even started getting eyestrain and headaches, I decided to talk with my doctor.
He told me about the Crystalens, when he told me what I could expect after the Crsytalens surgery, that I would be able to see near, far and everything between, I said “ Wow! Sign me up!”. He said the Crsytalens not only treat the cataract, but also corrects the full range of vision. The surgery itself was easy, simple and quick. And I didn’t realize what I have been missing. Colors were brighter and my vision was clearer and sharper than it has been in a long time. Now, I drive during the day and at night, and that bluriness that used to bother me was gone. I can now read, I can see across the room, and my overall vision is much much sharper.
When something works for me, like Crystalens has, I like to share my experience. I do that to empower, inpsire and motivate people to take care of themselves. My experience has reminded me to share with everyone, how important it is to get regular eye exams. It’s up to us, to protect our eyes, and our vision, by paying attention to how were seeing and ofcourse by visiting your doctor. For more information, please visit Thank You!
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